China's Top Import Products
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China’s Major Import products
During Jan-Mar2018, China’s total imports are US $ 475.0 Billion. Top 200 products are contributing 47.985 % of the total imports. Major Import products are ELECTRONIC INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND MICROASSEMBLIES with an import value of US $ 70.7 Billion . MOTOR CARS AND OTHER MOTOR VEHICLES PRINCIPALLY DESIGNED PASSENGERS with an import value of US $ 12.4 Billion . ELECTRICAL TELEPHONIC,TELEGRAPHIC,FOR CARRIERS-CURRENT LINE SYSTEM with an import value of US $ 11.4 Billion . PARTS AND ACCESSORIES OF THE MOTOR VEHICLES OF HEADINGS 87.01 TO 87.05 with an import value of US $ 7.0 Billion . MANUFACTURING MACHINES FOR SEMICONDUCTOR, PRINTED ELECTRONIC INTEGRATED CIRCUITS,ICS with an import value of US $ 7.0 Billion . AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING,MAGNETIC,OPTICAL READERS ANY WHERE SPECIFIED with an import value of US $ 6.8 Billion .
Top 5 fastest growing products imported in China
FERRO-ALLOYS with a growth rate of -77.74% PUMPS FOR LIQUIDS,WITH OR WITHOUT MEASURINGDEVICE/LIQUID ELEVATORS with a growth rate of -72.47% AIR OR VACUUM PUMPS,EXHAUSTING AND COMPRESSION FANS WITH/WITHOUT FILTERS with a growth rate of -73.52% ELECTRICAL CAPACITORS,FIXED,VARIABLE OR ADJUSTABLE(PRE-SET) with a growth rate of -71.0% SEAWEEDS, ALGAE, SUGAR BEET AND CANE/ VEGETABLE PRODUCTS, NES with a growth rate of -69.09% PLANTS AND PARTS OF PLANTS, OF A KIND USED IN PERFUMERY, PHARMACY...ETC with a growth rate of -74.99% are among the products with the highest growth rate.The whole list is mentioned below:
[List of Top 5 fastest growing products imported in China and other details]