5 Objectives export import Information should fulfill
This Guide will help you choose quickly right information from the multiple offerings in the market.

The Goal of the Information is always growth in Profits. You need to have the Information which is focused on growth, it should consume less time to understand, should be precise and actionable. Everybody is scared of too much of information as it takes hours to understand, process and make a meaning out of it.

Being in a product / market / buyer with high growth rate decides your own growth.
Understanding growth rate also enables you to expand aggressively or cut down on your costs.

Understanding Market share, enables you to prepare for scale of business. Creating specific region wise and buyer wise, Vendor wise strategies, can help you identify right vendors and buyers to work with and convert them into true partners.

Information of the price point, where maximum volume is happening is very crucial. Your Pricing & Product quality needs to be exactly where the markets want, this is the key to have quick sales and keep low inventory.

You should always keep a tab on new products. They may offer better Margin & growth, while using your existing infrastructure and network.