HS Code 4016 OTHER ARTICLES OF VULCANIZED RUBBER, NES (EXCL. HARD RUBBER) Importers , Exporters , Import data and Export Data

4-Digit HSCODE

China imported worth US 1.1 Billion under HS Code 4016 with total quantity of 85923552 kg. Japan is the largest supplier of Products accounting for import worth US $ 118.1 Million followed by Germany and United States which exported worth US $ 91.6 Million and US $ 80.6 Million under HS Code 4016.

Exports from China in the 2018, were US $ 1.1 Billion under HS code 4016. United States is the largest buyer of Products accounting for worth US $ 124.6 Million followed by Japan and Hong Kong which imported worth US $ 53.0 Million and US $ 27.4 Million under HS Code 4016.

Also, In Mar-2018, the export value of goods under HS Code 4016 was US$ 168.2 Million as compare to Mar-2017 which was US$ 183.8 Million, which is a trade of -8% valuing US$ -1.565125E7.

HS Code 4016 India Importers , Exporters , Import data and Export Data

Import Data India Export Data India
Mar 2018 = 0 Shipments Mar 2018 = 0 Shipments
Jan to Mar 2018 = 2937 Shipments Jan to Mar 2018 = 8896 Shipments
Jan to Dec 2017 = 2937 Shipments Jan to Dec 2017 = 8896 Shipments
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HS Code 4016 New Zealand Importers , Exporters , Import data and Export Data

Import Data New Zealand Export Data New Zealand
Mar 2018 = 0 Shipments Mar 2018 = 0 Shipments
Jan to Mar 2018 = 269 Shipments Jan to Mar 2018 = 2423 Shipments
Jan to Dec 2017 = 269 Shipments Jan to Dec 2017 = 2423 Shipments
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HS Code 4016 Canada Importers , Exporters , Import data and Export Data

Import Data Canada Export Data Canada
Mar 2018 = 0 Shipments Mar 2018 = 0 Shipments
Jan to Mar 2018 = 2913 Shipments Jan to Mar 2018 = 5079 Shipments
Jan to Dec 2017 = 2913 Shipments Jan to Dec 2017 = 5079 Shipments
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HS Code 4016 Turkey Importers , Exporters , Import data and Export Data

Import Data Turkey Export Data Turkey
Mar 2018 = 0 Shipments Mar 2018 = 0 Shipments
Jan to Mar 2018 = 2462 Shipments Jan to Mar 2018 = 2915 Shipments
Jan to Dec 2017 = 2462 Shipments Jan to Dec 2017 = 2915 Shipments
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HS Code 4016 NA Importers , Exporters , Import data and Export Data

Import Data NA Export Data NA
Mar 2018 = 0 Shipments Mar 2018 = 0 Shipments
Jan to Mar 2018 = 1643 Shipments Jan to Mar 2018 = 0 Shipments
Jan to Dec 2017 = 1643 Shipments Jan to Dec 2017 = 389 Shipments
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HS Code Item Description
40169100 OTHERS